Do you want to develop a daily creative habit?
To deepen?
To build consistency & confidence?
Plunge into the 100 Day Artmonk Challenge and establish a daily art practice
— even if you’ve never successfully done that before.
— even if you’re blocked right now.
Discover your unique daily art practice and see where it takes you!
Overcome your procrastination, resistance, and perfectionism with the support of a sincere community.
100 Day Artmonk Challenge
This Challenge has already begun. If you’d like to join the next one, please subscribe to our newsletters.
February 3 to May 14, 2024
8 live online sessions with Founder & Abbess Suiko
Join Art Monastery Founder & Abbess Suiko McCall for a 100 Day program series that could very well change your experience of yourself as a creator and as a practitioner.

You’ll walk away with
- a greater sense of confidence in your artmaking & creativity, a clear sense of yourself as a creator
- an experiential & personal understanding of what your unique spiritual & creative practice looks like
- the foundations for an unbreakable daily practice that nourishes you (even if you’re really busy)
- an authentic connection between your spiritual practice and your creativity
- lower stress levels, increased focus, and more access to creative flow
- techniques for building consistency and depth in your practices
The program includes
- 8 live sessions (twice a month for the duration of the 100 Days)
- recordings of the 8 live sessions
- email encouragement & inspiration between live sessions
- an optional Artmonk Sangha pod of 4-6 like-spirited Artmonks to be in regular contact with for mutual support & accountability
- an optional Affinity Group of folks working in your medium

What have previous participants said about this program?
“The Artmonk Challenge did for me exactly what I had hoped it would — helped me establish a daily art practice. I cannot tell you how grateful I am! I have a ridiculously hard time establishing routines of any sort—definitely my biggest challenge—but making a small goal (art 5-10 minutes every day) and having the accountability of the community, worked for me.”
—Michel W.
“Suiko, your teachings are incredibly skillful. I’m really grateful. I’ve talked to a lot of my friends about how you teach. I’ve taught workshops on breaking through writer’s block and artistic blocks so I know a lot about this and I’m in awe of your insight and the incredibly loving and accepting way that you teach. I feel that you are modeling that for us to be that way toward ourselves. That’s really huge. I’m really grateful.
—Diana R.
“What I got from this 100 Day Challenge was self-approval. “That’s a good work”. I am a witness to my own work. I’m blown away by the power of orienting toward process.”
—Noor A.
“I had a wild breakthrough on day 3 that has radically shifted my relationship to my artmaking. It has given me just what I have longed for internally as an artist. Wow. Astounding grace.”
—Catlin R.
More testimonials...“It actually worked! About 50 days in, I was heading to my studio to work and I realized it was no longer a question of “oh, I have to remember to do art.” It had become a habit, something that I did without thinking. This is huge for me, as I have a ridiculously hard time creating consistent practices of any kind.”
“I’m better at drawing than when I started! I’m easier on myself.”
“Because of the challenge, I now have confidence in my capacity to make art, the value of my work, my connection with creative spirit and others through art practice.”
“I have recommitted to regular creative practice, and expanded and deepened my creative practice.”
“I love the daily practice I developed through this class.”
“I woke up to my deluded perception of time and I will continue practicing writing daily. I know how to make the practice sustainable now.”
“This kind of format is such a great tool for personal growth.”
“Supportive. Transformative. Lovely.”
“I would definitely recommend it, because it helped me so much to have the accountability.”
“Several people were so interested in what we were doing and could see how much difference it was making for me! So many people are so minimally aware of their gifts and abilities and I would wish for them the chance to discover that. I recommend that everyone do this challenge!”
“This has been a very positive presence in my life and I have deep gratitude for everyone involved.”
How does it work?
- You choose what you’d like to do as your daily practice.
- If you’d like support choosing your practice, email us to request a free recording of a workshop that will guide you to your own most inspiring & sustainable daily goal. Just email info@artmonastery.org.
- You’ll have the opportunity to join an Artmonk Sangha Pod of 4-6 people. As a group you’ll choose how you’d like to be in contact and how often (groups often create a thread on their platform of choice: text messages, slack channel, What’sApp, etc.). You will then engage with each other throughout the 100 Days, encouraging each other and perhaps sharing the whatever your practice has yielded.
- Please express your preferences around this via the registration form below.
- We will gather twice a month on Zoom to discuss themes of artmaking and practice.
We will explore themes of creativity & practice on live calls:
Day 0 – Saturday, Feb 3, 9-11am PST – Kickoff: Intention & Meet Your Artmonk Sangha Pod
It’s very important to attend the kick off live so you can meet your Armonk Sangha podlings. If you can not attend the kick off session live, please contact me.
Day 13 – Saturday, Feb 17, 9-10:15am PST – Council on Inspiration
Day 27 – Saturday, March 2, 9-10:15am PST – How to Show Up Consistently: The Inner & Outer Work. Optional: stay til 11am and Join an Affinity Group
Day 41 – Saturday, March 16, 9-11am PST – Dealing with the Inner Judge & ARTSHARE
Day 55 – Saturday, March 30, 9-10:15am PST – Navigating Resistance
Day 76 – Saturday, April 20, 9-11am PST – The Wise Heart: Self-Forgiveness & ARTSHARE
Day 90 – Saturday, May 4, 9-10:15am PST – The Open Heart: Self-Acceptance
Day 100 – Tuesday, May 14, 5-7pm PST – Closing Council: Reflection & Integration

FLOW of the Live Sessions
Some sessions are longer, but will generally follow this format. The 2-hour sessions will have a 10-minute break in the middle.
9-9:10am PT – Grounding meditation
9:10-10am – Presentation by Suiko on the week’s theme followed by discussion
10-10:15am – Optional share, dedication of merit
Are you ready to invest in yourself, your creativity, and your depth of being?
sliding scale $108 / $325 / $575
BIPOC folks pay what you want.
Truly, no one turned away for lack of funds.
Scholarships available. If the bottom of the sliding scale is prohibitive for you, please reach out and we will find a solution.
Our experience is that if you invest financially at a level that requires some energy from you, you are significantly more likely to complete the challenge and reap the deepest benefits.
Make a donation of your choice at the end of the registration form below.
Common questions are listed below. If these don’t cover your question, shoot me an email. I’m happy to help! suiko@artmonastery.org
The Zoom links and other course information will be emailed to you after you register.
A video from Suiko’s first 100 Day Challenge