

The award winners of the

Art Monastery Short Film Festival 2012


Curator’s Pick

Garden, Tamás Gellai

Audience Pick

The Silence Beneath the Bark, Joanna Lurie


Best Investigation of the Venn Diagram: Creativity, Contemplation, Community

Nudo de Nodos, Paul Barrios



The festival showcased films that relate to the Venn diagram of the Art Monastery Project.

Film length: 11 minutes or less
Topic: Relating to Art & Creativity, Ethics & Integrity, and Spirit & Contemplation. For more information about the values of the Art Monastery, please visit https://www.artmonastery.org/about.
Grand prize: Featured presentation in the festival, the opportunity to speak at the festival, a five-night stay at the Art Monastery during the festival, including room and board (the artist is responsible for his/her own travel).
Screening date: November 23, 2012 at Art Monastery Italia in Labro, Italy.

To see last year’s award winners, please peruse www.artmonastery.org/short-film-festival-2011.

For further information, please send an email to ShortFilmFestival@artmonastery.org.


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