Moon of Active Hope

Full Moon December 12, 2019
Moon of Active Hope
Fullness is cyclical,
courage to act
comes & goes too—
let it begin
with me.
Quiet, beauty, nature
healthcare, shelter,
honorable work—
diverse cultures & species,
song, seeds & ceremonies:
so much to draw upon
so much dawn to come
so many ways to welcome
a stranger to the feast.
We are small emergent cohorts
offering respect & seeking consent
celebrating unique pronouns
& the agency & dignity
they represent—
neighborhood councils, mealtime prayers,
fireside rituals, comings of age,
hospice work, midlife crises
the brave moment
is always now.
Let us be small in carbon,
deeply content to sort out difficulties,
do un-fragile repair work,
knit creative resiliences
with keen & queer weave—
craft social justice beauty presence
voicing intersectional solidarity
always aligned with the vulnerable.
Within our many-bodied moon,
numinous rainbow light
refracting infinite-fold
upon long-tide waters—
we invite transformation
to nurture us hearthward,
birthing partnerships
of peace, peace, peace.
We become the startling light of ordinary joy,
a plain strong beacon together—
the healing power of vulnerability
rising bright in cold winter solstice dark—
among the frost-popping trees,
on icicle city streets,
at desert water stations
in visionary conversation
full with love—
loving the full
as well the half-empty.
Let it begin
with me.
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