There are a few ways of looking at the rich history of monasticism. Here we look at 1) monastic lineages or traditions and 2) monastic life-styles.
1) Monastic Traditions:
- Christian Monasticism
- Catholic
- Orthodox
- “New Monasticism” (e.g. Monos)
- Buddhist Monasticism
- Hindu Monasticism
- Advaita Vedanta
- Taoist Monasticism
- Jain Monasticism
- Other non-secular traditions (with monastic qualities)
- Manichaeism
- Sufi
- Bön
- Judaism
- Secular Monasticism
- Art Monasticism (e.g. the Art Monastery, with artmonks)
2) Monastic Styles:
- “Cenobites” – monks who live together in a community
- “Anchorites” – hermits, who live alone
- “Skete” (Orthodox) – a halfway house between a monastery and hermits
- “Oblates” and “Householder Yogins”- Regular folks, who live a semi-monastic life and have a relationship with a monastery
- “Mendicants” – Itinerant monks who depend on the charity of others