Borderlands Moon

Borderlands Moon
New Moon May 8, 2024
Time of grass pendants
Little bells of glassy green
With a hint of autumn already haloed
Weeks before they dry on the stalk
Their spindles, their Sufi whirling prayer
One rooted ankle turned sunwise
All the way to the center of the earth
In response to provocation of air
They will ping a gold tone when summered
Iris out, widen our gaze, to marvel
At the tug upon all the senses
That the walking body dances within
Heartache birdsong, expressionist trees
A sky that devours winged light insatiably
Into which we careen outwards
& fall back breathless into
Just one step into beauty
Across a steady stream of pure water
& the signal fire is lit
It’s time to wake
& give praise
Give awareness
Give whatever we have
So we will be welcomed
When we finally lay down
As the porous border between
Now & then
In one house lives the sun, moon, and stars. Within that
house is another house of sun, moon, and stars. –And
then another, and another—There is no end to the
—Joy Harjo
Poem by Qayyum Johnson.
Painting by Suiko McCall. Don’t Be So Predictable, 2022. Digital print, 14×11″. Prints available upon request:

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