Artshare August 4: Bootstraps
Dear Neighbors and Friends, Here at the Art Monastery Project, we are hosting our third summer Artshare Friday, August 4 7 to 8pm free admission bring a snack or drink to share after the showing we can have some food and drinks together and chat (if the weather is nice, we may build a fire!) We will be sharing […]
Emerge: Post-Retreat Artshare
Emerge A Post-Retreat Artshare Friday, Sep 15 7-8 pm free admission 2315 Connecticut River Road Springfield, VT 05156 After spending a week together in silent meditation, retreat participants and the Artmonks who hosted them, will share selections of what we sang together every day as well as original work created in our […]
June 2017 Artmonk Retreat in images
The Artmonk Retreat as seen through the camera lens of Anaya Cullen. Header image of our nature meditation by Chilly Daisy. Our Zendo The Way of the Artmonk. Originally inspired by the 8fold Path, the Way of the Artmonk offers a structure for meditation and for creative practice. Directions Practice The Main Altar […]
Meet the Summer Artmonks
The 2017 Art Monastic Laboratory is a 10-week immersive experience in social sculpture. This Lab investigates Practice — meditation, high-level artmaking, and community living. This summer’s Lab will incubate two artistic endeavors: Mirror and Bootstraps. Mirror Gerry McCulloch and Betsy McCall are the co-creators of Mirror, an interactive, experimental art piece. Participants are guided to […]
Short Film: Directions Practice
Here comes another film (second in a series of five)! This one is even nearer to my heart because it presents an Art Monastery original: Directions Practice. Directions Practice was developed by Neva Cockrell and me, inspired by Tai Chi forms and the Cherokee prayer dance called the Dance of the Directions that we learned from Joel […]
Abbess Betsy interviewed on Drawing Your Own Path
I’m very excited to report that I was interviewed by John F Simon, Jr, the wonderful artist, dedicated practitioner, and recent author of Drawing Your Own Path: 33 Practices at the Crossroads of Art and Meditation. The experience was totally delightful — what a joy to talk with such a kindred spirit, and one who […]
Short Film: Tinspirations
I’m so excited to announce that the first film (in a series of five)! It’s a fun 2-minute video that presents a method for facilitation called “Tinspiration”. Tinspirations are little tins or boxes that stimulate your creativity in a problemsolving or ideation process. Tinspirations are based on human curiosity and bring a touch of playfulness […]
Emerge: post-retreat artshare
Join us as we emerge from a week of silence and see what creativity flows. Friday, June 16 8-9pm free admission 2315 Connecticut River Road Springfield, VT 05156 Emerge is the culmination of a weeklong silent meditation retreat at the Art Monastery in Springfield, Vermont. In the spirit of coming out of silence with […]
Hosting Social Innovation in Poland
Twenty-two participants and four trainers gathered in Warsaw, Poland, to complete the second of the two-part course on Hosting Social Innovation. We covered a variety of techniques and topics such as: how to foster innovation-friendly environments, how to deal with conflict in groups, how to build your own and your team’s self-confidence. At the end […]
Hosting Social Innovation: a free online course
Hosting Social Innovation a free online course April 24 to June 4, 2017 A social innovation is a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions. The value created accrues primarily to society rather than to private individuals. -Stanford University, Center for Social Innovation […]