Full Moon Invocation
This invocation by Qayyum Johnson Tree seed filling the air today, swifts & swallows taking to their serious play. The white goddess, fertile, cool, dispassionate, WIDE. Charmer of water—conveyance of blessings, teachings, insight, hard lessons. Allowing illumination in the darkness. The full moon rises when the empty sun sets. Both burn with antipodal fuel—yin-yang. Doing […]
New Moon in June
Image artist unknown. If you know who made this image, please let us know! This guest blog post is written by our fabulous worktrader and one-woman show creator & performer, Emily Bold. This new moon ushers us into June: summer and warmth. I’ve been spending time in the garden this week, planting and tending new […]
Blue Moon in May
Before there was electric light and so many screens, people were more effected by changes in the natural light from the moon and sun. Traditionally women’s bodies were especially impacted by the phases of the moon. Under the bright light of the full moon, women used to ovulate. Menstruation comes 14 days after ovulation, so because […]
Call for Artmonk Chef
Cooking In Paradise: A Summer Chef Position at the Art Monastery From former Artmonk Chef Emma Wyman: Opportunity to give and receive abounds as Artmonk Chef. This is a chance to put yourself at the heart of a community founded on intimacy and expression, gratitude and presence. Here, a chef can revel in the abundance […]
Cultivating Homecoming: Guest Blog from Retreatant Miscelleana
Life is made up of so many moments in time. Moments that define us. Moments that move us. And often moments that change us. Driving to Springfield, Vermont—fours hours one way—had me thinking of the many moments that were coming. I was leaping into unfamiliar territory, and like usual, I was jumping in feet first. […]
Cultivating PRESENCE: Guest blog from Worktrader Emma
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes for a moment, and put my hand up to rest over my heart. There were 25 or 30 faces beaming at me in anticipation. I had just said I wanted to offer a song to this new sangha—I had forgotten how vulnerable and scary it would be […]
Robert Reed Drawing Workshops
Join Betsy for Divinatory Altars, her offering at the Robert Reed Drawing Workshops at Penn State! Friday February 22 at 2pm Saturday February 23 at 2pm Registration is free. Registration deadline: January 1, 2019, but there are still spaces available. Register here. It is my honor to be offering workshops in memory of one of the greatest professors I […]
Cultivating IMAGINATION: Guest Blog from Founding Artmonk Nathan
A decade ago, I was 26 years old and seeking new ways of experiencing the world. I suspected that there might be ways of organizing human life that were different from the nuclear-family model I grew up within; which felt lonely, like it was missing something. Missing the point, missing perspective. I was also dabbling […]
Contemporary Dance & Catalyst in Vermont
Neva is thrilled to be teaching Contemporary Dance and Catalyst Training throughout Vermont in 2019. Start the new year right: dance, move, and enjoy your body! Class descriptions and information below. Please email neva@artmonastery.org for questions and registration. Contemporary Dance Series Start 2019 off right: Dancing! This class is great for both beginning and experienced dancers, […]