
Seagull Muses Moon

Posted by on Feb 23, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Seagull Muses Moon

Seagull Muses Moon Full Moon  February 24, 2024 I think of gravity and bones When I see the joggers scud along the mud flats Peopled with non-human selves poking protein from silt How the grebes and cormorants seem to gulp Before diving out of sight to fly underwater. I wonder how long this wind will blow […]

Enter to win the giveaway!

Posted by on Feb 14, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Enter to win the giveaway!

Enter to win your choice of: > $100 gift card for art supplies at JerrysArtarama.com > $100 off at Suiko.art (good for originals or prints) Shop original paintings and prints at Suiko.art, can be re-gifted, includes framing & shipping! > a 1:1 Artmonk Coaching call with Suiko an hourlong call for support on your creativity, […]

Moiré Effect Moon

Posted by on Feb 5, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Moiré Effect Moon

Moiré Effect Moon New Moon  February 9, 2024 Oceanic patterns herald evening here A loosened palette of sky that welcomes attention Gray with rain or pink furrowed tundra tilted Through which we each believe we have seen an owl Glide from out over the bay toward the green place Where frogs emote their post-solstice panegyrics It must be […]

Moon On Water

Posted by on Jan 25, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Moon On Water

Moon On Water Full Moon  January 25, 2024 moon I saw you see me see you grow all night all day this month this life gathered at the top of the sky then falling again ascendant call. Poem by Qayyum Johnson. Painting by Suiko McCall. Self-forgiveness is Primary Peacework, 2023. Ink on paper, 60×45″.

Our Invisible, Crazy Hearts Moon

Posted by on Jan 16, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Our Invisible, Crazy Hearts Moon

Our Invisible, Crazy Hearts Moon New Moon  January 11, 2024 Mostly you don’t see the moon in a city So a new moon is a double-blind bind An experiment in lunacy for lunatics Imagine all the pollution, poverty & injustice That you perceive become thin stars While the new moon that you cannot see Swells infinitely […]

Film: Live Your Power

Posted by on Jan 13, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Film: Live Your Power

How do other people deal with the challenges in their lives? How have they managed to do something they didn’t dare to do before? Let yourself be touched by the stories of courageous, vulnerable, strong and thoroughly alive people from all over the world. Youtube Playlist with empowering life stories from all over the world  About […]

Moon That Loves The World & Everything In It

Posted by on Dec 26, 2023 in Blog | No Comments
Moon That Loves The World & Everything In It

Moon That Loves The World & Everything In It Full Moon  December 26, 2023 Today grows in the morning quiet Into a great big complicated thing. It is a good day to die It is a fine day to be born. Love the human first Or last. Or remain agnostic & start with anything near. Be […]

Hope & Change Moon

Posted by on Dec 10, 2023 in Blog | No Comments
Hope & Change Moon

Hope & Change Moon New Moon  December 12, 2023 O, cosmos you swallow me as if I don’t exist apart O, intimate you monarch butterfly of blazing trillion suns your time is not a candle, a seed or an arrow O, cosmos flowering now in fertile black zero gravity compassion original mother of this mysterium O, […]

Moon of the Iron Age

Posted by on Nov 26, 2023 in Blog | No Comments
Moon of the Iron Age

Moon of the Iron Age Full Moon  November 26, 2023 This time I wish for everything Every good thing To suddenly or slowly befall everyone In the right way, at the seeming wrong time Wherever they are, hearing the call Slow drumming of basic good— Good good good as moonrise On this shared sphere of growing blue […]

Moon of the Present Moment

Posted by on Nov 8, 2023 in Blog | No Comments
Moon of the Present Moment

Moon of the Present Moment New Moon  November 13, 2023 is nothing ever enough? each of the unsaid feelings dissipate into white flowers at the flesh stalk’s head, dangling moments of a little perception around the hour the wind starts up & clouds go vanishing over western glories for all of them, a eulogy about itching […]