The Poopcast: Creativity, Community, Contemplation and a Compost Toilet
On July 31, 2017, some of the Artmonks were interviewed on Shhh: The Poopcast (aka Shit and Shame with Shawn) by Shawn Shafner (The Puru). Yes, Shawn is also the director of Bootstraps, the original devised theater piece being incubated by the Summer Lab. Art Monastery Project: Creativity, Community, Contemplation and a Compost Toilet […]
Abbess Betsy interviewed on Drawing Your Own Path
I’m very excited to report that I was interviewed by John F Simon, Jr, the wonderful artist, dedicated practitioner, and recent author of Drawing Your Own Path: 33 Practices at the Crossroads of Art and Meditation. The experience was totally delightful — what a joy to talk with such a kindred spirit, and one who […]
Erasmus+ awards the Art Monastery $54,000!
The Art Monastery has won our biggest grant ever! Erasmus+ (a European granting organization dedicated to furthering learning and development) generously awarded $240,000 to our European strategic partnership, of which Art Monastery Italia will receive $54,000. The project, called “Hosting Social Innovation,” will provide tools to empower people to more actively improve their social and ecological environments. […]
American Artists Engage Ancient Monastic Practice: Ingest Only Beer for 14 Days
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 9 May 2012 American Artists Engage Ancient Monastic Practice: Ingest Only Beer for 14 Days In their investigation of secular monasticism, a pair of American artists living and working in monastery of art in Italy will fast for 14 days, following the monastic practices of monks who came before them. For two […]
Artmonk Retreat 2012: a success!
On the last day of the retreat, after lifting the silence, I was standing on the patio. I was on my way back to the zendo but not getting far. Participant after participant stopped me, and with hands on my shoulders, or hands holding mine, eyes looking deeply into mine, sweet voices said, “Thank you […]
Recent articles from local news
Articles in Rieti Corriere & Il Messaggero: Click to read: Article in Il Riformista: Api: festa nazionale a Labro dal 2 al 5 settembre Labro (Rieti), 17 mag. – (Adnkronos) – Si terra’ nel borgo medievale di Labro, arroccato su una collina nella provincia di Rieti, la festa nazionale di Alleanza per l’Italia, in programma […]
We’re “Worth a trip,” says 2010 Lonely Planet for Tuscany and Umbria
Take a look at what Lonely Planet has to say about us! Buy your copy today! “Fancy a Nick Drake number performed on lute with your dinner? How about a late-night improv game after a round of limoncello (lemon liquor) that you helped make? For a retreat like no other, recharge for a few days […]
We’re in the Guardian!
We made it into the Saturday London Guardian’s list of “Five great Workaway working holidays”. Here’s what they had to say: “Energetic dreamers” are sought by a community of English-speaking international artists in a former boutique B&B 45 minutes north-east of Rome. The group is transforming an old monastery in Umbria into a non-proft arts centre, […]
Mayor of Calvi talks about us on RAI 1’s “Tornando a Casa”
Our national radio debut! The clip: