Family-Style Moon

Family-Style Moon
Full Moon December 15, 2024
hi old friend
in the rocks by a rush of change & river
there you are in the mountains at this time
of the year with your dog & your face
maybe a backpack situated on yourself some-
where & the weather now is what it is
a hint of tomorrow in the breath of today
the autumn air moon-scented even now
juniper green granite duff serpentine knots
for why else has it all (the universe)
come to just these convolutions & gleams
in the mode of confession: a small yellow
Chinese-style tea cup without handles has
seven chocolate chips resting nuzzled
at the bottom like baby owls in deadfall pine
the lyrics to the song go: you know when/
it’s time to leave/ by the feathers in/ the
damp of fall (or some such) which is
how a typewritten adventure homage unfolds
herself on the second night of a full moon
our collective giant O of refracted sunlight
making jasmine call the cloud’s bluff
about who is a purer white
our cottontail of love
gone hopping into
clean cotton
Poem by Qayyum Johnson.
Painting by Suiko McCall. Buddhas and Ancestors, 2018. Ink on Yupo, 8×8″.

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