Master Class with Mayfield Conservatory & Incantato Tours

I was delighted to teach a two-hour visual art master class on April 6. The wonderful Sandra Weinacht, head honcho of Incantato Tours, organized this on behalf of Mayfield Conservatory. I presented my work to this remarkably attentive and open-hearted seven American girls in a conference room of their hotel in Rieti. I explained how I work and how I developed that way of working, led them in a Metta loving-kindness meditation to get them to really connect with their hearts, and then we did a 5-minute free draw. They impressed me with their willingness to go where I led them and it inspired me to teach more. After the exercises I asked them how it was for them. They chorused “INTENSE!” and I had a rush of memories of the emotions of high school. They asked me to repeat the words from Metta, which I did, and they all spontaneously wrote the words on their drawings. Beautiful.
Metta Loving-Kindness Meditation

I’m really looking forward to our day-long Artmonk Experience with their whole group of 40 students from all different artistic disciplines (including the dancers who were practicing their moves outside the hotel) on Monday, April 9.