Never Give Up!

The Full Moon is February 9, 2020.
All hail Moon of Silence!
Thank you Moon of Sparkling Snow
Thank you Moon of Gentle Bell,
bridging me from dream to other dream
Thank you Moon of Out Breath,
expanding from a single point of stillness
Thank you Moon of Epic Thundering: Slow Crash Ice
Thank you Moon of Sheet Ice, Chunk Ice, Rifts of River Ice,
crashing & sliding over each other
Thank you Moon of Sit Quietly & Witness
the Steady Construction of Motionless River Ice
Thank you Moon of Reverberant Silence that Followed the Freezing
Thank you Moon of Four-fold Vibration of Voices Joining
Thank you Moon of Leaning Against Each Other While Washing the Plates
Thank you Moon of Laughter From the Other Room
Thank you Moon of Song Wafting from the Gulley
Thank you Moon of Patience for Pots of Acorns
and Chestnuts and Onions and Coffee
left to burn away to nothing but smell
Thank you Moon of Do Not Wait for the People in Political Power
to Challenge the Corporations that are Destroying the Planet
Thank you Moon of We are Both
the Victims & the Perpetrators of the Destruction
Thank you Moon of Carrying Shame is like Carrying Bad Water
Thank you Moon of Pouring Out & Refilling Fresh
Thank you Moon of Intentional Psychedelics
Thank you Moon of Open Mind,
slippery, clutching and vast
Thank you Moon of Tender Heart,
spacious, gentle, and sad
Thank you Moon of Ginger Tea
Thank you Moon of Hot Water for being there for me
Thank you Moon of Bitter Disappointment when you weren’t
Thank you Moon of Leaving the Lights Off After Evening Sit
& Making Our Way to Bed in the Dark
Thank you Moon of Grandmother Pear
Thank you Moon of my Body,
who never gets me there
but always gets me here
Thank you Moon of Wooden Mallet Striking Wooden Board — clack clack!
reverberating across the landscape,
calling us to sit
Thank you Moon of Flock,
approaching as chatty messy chevrons,
departing as cosmic sea serpent
Thank you Moon of Earth Falling From the River,
the Abenaki word for time
Thank you Moon of Ole-ohneh Abenaki
(Thank you Moon of Thank you Abenaki)
Thank you Moon of a World Categorized by Whats and Whos
Thank you Moon of Experimentation
Thank you Moon of Privilege
Thank you Moon of Vulnerable Sharing
both in and out of silence
Thank you Moon of Alone Together
Thank you Moon of Creative Flow as it meanders
Thank you Moon of Sharpest Pencil
Thank you Moon of Womb
Thank you Moon of Winter
Thank you Moon of What Will We Do Now?
Thank you Moon of Licking the Blade of Nowness
Thank you Moon of Disconnecting from Devices
Thank you Moon of a Thousand Different Sounds of Snow Under foot,
each one a chorus of billions unique
Thank you Moon of We Do Not Bow to the Condiments
Thank you Moon of Each of Us Takes Our Turn Bowing to the Condiments
Thank you Moon of Tender Relations with the Tree
Thank you Moon of You Never Know What’s Going on for Someone Else
Thank you Moon of Judgement, Projection, and Knotted Shoulder
Thank you Moon of Don’t Expect a Standing Ovation
Thank you Moon of Schedule is the Teacher
Thank you Moon of Wild Grapes,
clinging & withered on the vine
offering luscious ink strewn across the page
Thank you Moon of Natural Inks Prefer Natural Papers
Thank you Moon of Is That So Surprising?
Thank you Moon of Inks are Whos
Thank you Moon of Golden Nectar of Luminosity Inlaid in the Fabric of Laughter
Thank you Moon of Formal Eating Rituals
Thank you Moon of What We Do Here is Highly Unusual
Thank you Moon of Deep Sadness in my Sternum
Thank you Moon of Connected to Mom Through the Pain in my Knees
Thank you Moon of Basic Goodness
Thank you Moon of Multi-Billion Dollar Cosmetics Industry
to Profit off us Forgetting our Basic Goodness
Thank you Moon of the Clan of Human Decency
Thank you Moon of Forever Whisper: Never give up!
Thank you Moon of Perpetual Feast Before Us
Thank you Moon of Shared Consciousness of Body, Earth, Animals, Sky
Thank you Moon of Tiger Lion Dragon Garuda vision
Thank you Moon of Setting Sun
Thank you Moon of Vigilant Honesty in Artmaking
Thank you Moon of Teach us not to Take Ourselves so Seriously
Thank you Qwan Yin, dancing in the incense
Thank you Moon of Dark Enigma
Thank you Moon of Spontaneous Appropriate Response
Thank you Moon of Love
Thank you Moon of Impossible Repetition
Thank you Moon of Impossible Repetition
Thank you Moon of Impossible Repetition
Thank you Moon of Muse
Thank you Moon of Why Are We Doing This?
Thank you Moon of Fourfold Task to Save the Planet
Thank you Moon of Don’t Have Kids
Thank you Moon of Drive Less
Thank you Moon of Fly Less
Thank you Moon of Eat Less Meat
Thank you Moon of Earth Mother
Thank you Our Mother, the Earth!
Thank you Moon of Water Is Life
Thank you Moon of Candlelight
Thank you Moon of Space to Work
Thank you Moon of Dreading Lifting the Silence
Thank you Moon of Relief that We’re Done
Thank you Moon of my Dear Friends
Thank you Moon of How Did I Get so Blessed?
Thank you Moon of Yes Yes and More Yes!
Thank you Moon of Practice Yes.
Thank you Moon of Practice, Yes.
Thank you Moon of Over & Over
Thank you Moon of Thank you
Thank you Moon of Thank you
Thank you Moon of Thank you
Thank you Moon of Silence
Text by Suiko McCall
Collage by Qayyum Johnson
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