
Seeking Board Members

Posted by on Aug 14, 2012 in Art Monastery Italia, Art Monastery SF, Blog, News | No Comments
Seeking Board Members

The Art Monastery Project seeks to grow our Board of Directors.

Our Ideal Board Member (3-year term, taking a year off after serving 3 terms)

    • is touched and moved by our mission
    • makes an annual contribution significant to him/her
    • gives additionally to support Art Monastery fundraising or other events, hosts events, or meets other Art Monastery needs that might arise during the year
    • offers expertise
    • attends board meetings in person, even if that means traveling
    • lives in either SF area or Rome area
    • attends the biannual strategic meeting, even if that means traveling (in SF once every four years and in Italy once every four years)
    • has visited or plans to visit Art Monastery Italia in the first 18 months of his or her term
    • actively participates in at least one subcommittee
    • participates for roughly 5 hours/month (total includes work and meetings)
    • takes on personal responsibility for some aspect of fundraising
    • brings in in-kind donations from his or her network
    • expands the network of potential donors, board members, and volunteers
    • is an ambassador for the organization to the community and his or her network
    • reads and responds to all emails in a timely way
    • attends programs of the Art Monastery as much as possible (for example, attends the Artmonk Retreat, concerts, local chapter meetings, etc.)

Do you know someone who fits this description?

We are looking for a business wizard who can guide as we develop our strategic plan. We are also looking for a real estate expert (perhaps an American living in Italy) who can guide our quest to purchase a property to be the first art monastery. We are looking for an events planning guru who could lead and advise our fundraising and programming events.

If you are just right, or someone you know is, please contact info@artmonastery.org.