Trail mix for your soul

Click to watch my 3-minute video.
Maybe you’ve heard this cheeky teaching:
It’s great to meditate for 30 minutes a day.
If you don’t have 30 minutes, sit for 15.
If you don’t have 15 minutes, sit for 5.
If you don’t have 5 minutes, sit for 30!
In a merciful response to how pressed for time we all feel, the marvelous makers over at Being & Doing are now offering NUGGETS.
It’s basically trail mix for the soul. :p
An astounding library of super short video offerings (as in under 3 minutes!) to give you bursts of energy, to reconnect you with your deeper intentions, to pass along hard earned wisdom, to delight and amaze you.
By experts from around the world.
Take a peep at the peeps who are featured:
- Jane Fonda
- Marianne Williamson
- Deepak Chopra
- Hameed Ali
- Michael Beckwith
- Thomas Hübl
- Karen Johnson
- Lama Rod Owens
- … and yours truly!
I’m delighted to be rubbing digital elbows with these folks! Yowza!

Click to watch my free 3-minute video (and a variety of total experts).
And all this for free! (You have to create a sign in, but it’s quick & easy.)
Maybe this season is the perfect moment to nab a few 3-minute videos, just to help you re-ground and re-center in the midst of the holiday hustle bustle.
Hugs & bows,

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